Problem 8.1

The little squiggly black lines on the rock outcrops (5 of them) represent parasitic folds with a larger fold. Define which direction the parasitic folds are, then identify where the fold hinges are, then draw the fold with the stike and dip symbols for help.

Problem 8.2

Use the cleavage to define the fold axis. Use the difference in rock type (examine the clast size) to define the bedding. Figure where you are in the fold.

Problem 8.3

For folds with clevage, if the dip of the bed is greater than the cleavage, the bed is overturned, otherwise it is right side up. Put the dips in then draw the fold

Problem 8.4

Trace the contacts between some of the black and white sections of the rock. Then try to find the folds. There should be two of them, one is strongly folded.

Problem 8.5

Cross Section. The west side (or left side) should be simiar to the previous cross section A-A' and B-B. The east side (right side) is more complex.

Use the secondary folds and the parasitic fold directions to find where the hinges are and plot the fold that appears to be along cross section C-C'